Ways the Elderly Can Hide Their Dementia Symptoms
If you have an elderly relative who has dementia then you will understand how difficult it can be to look after them on a day to day basis. On top of this, you will also know that sometimes, it can be hard to identify the signs and symptoms of dementia because they are not always evident until the later stages. If you suspect that your elderly relative has dementia, then take a look below to see how they could be hiding it.
Refusing to Participate
Your elderly relative may refuse to take part in things that they once loved, and this may be because they don’t know that they enjoy it or because they don’t know how to do it anymore.
Covering Up
Spouses often cover up for their partner. They may finish off sentences for them or they may make excuses for things that they can’t do. They do all of this because they love them and they want to protect them for as long as they can.
Secret Fears
Nobody wants to let go of their freedom. Elderly people will often do everything they can to cover up their dementia and if they have a high intellect then they may be able to cover this up for longer than you realise. They may know that they are slipping up and they may do everything that they can to hide it, so if you are aware then there is a chance that they are also aware, they just don’t want you to know.
Look out for signs of a slipup and ask your family members to do the same. This is the first step to handling the issue for the long term and it is a great way to make sure that all of the family are involved with their care.